How do roles and permissions work?


Implio features a granular permission model with preset roles controlling which parts of Implio users are able to access, and what actions they are able to perform.

Roles are set at a per-team level. Users who are part of multiple teams may have different roles for each team.

User roles and permissions

Implio currently supports the following roles: Admin, Automation specialist, Moderator and Spectator.

The initial user creating a new Implio team is the team Admin and can perform any action, including manage team members.

The table below indicates the actions each role is able to perform:

Permissions / Roles Admin Automation Specialist Moderator Spectator
See statistics

Moderate items

View/search moderated items

Manage rules and lists

Import items with CSV importer

Delete items

Manage team and API settings

Manage team members

Setting roles for your team members

Users and their roles can be managed by going to the Settings > Team Settings > Team Members section.

Only users with Admin role can access this section and manage users.

Setting the role of a new team member

When inviting a user to join Implio, a role has to be assigned to this new user:

Changing the role of an existing team member

The role of an existing team member can be changed at any time by selecting a new value in the drop-down menu:

It is worth noting that Admin team members can't change their own role, but other Admin team members can.

Revoking access to a team

Access to a team can be revoked at any time by change the user's role to No access:

This will prevent further access to the team. Note that users disabled in a team will still be able to access other teams they are part unless their access has also been revoked there.

This operation can be reverted by picking a new role for the user, allowing team access to be temporarily suspended.

Access can also be changed or revoked for users who have been invited but have not confirmed the invitation yet:

Best practices

  • Only invite users who you trust with your team's contents.
  • Email addresses used for registering users should be personal and not shared by multiple individuals.
  • Grant new users the lowest possible role based on the actions they need to perform. In particular, only grant the Admin role to users who absolutely need to manage your team. Automation specialist role should be enough for most team members.
  • Be sure to revoke team access for employees who have left your company or who don't need to access the team anymore.

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